SR (Short Radius) Elbows have a Center-to-Face dimension of 1.0 X diameter. They are typically used in tight areas where clearance is the main issue.
O.D. |
90度 |
4.5.degrees |
90度 |
4.5.degrees |
1/2 | 21.3 | 38. | 16. | - | - |
3./4 | 26.7 | 38. | 19. | 57. | 24. |
1 | 33.4 | 38. | 22. | 76. | 31. |
1¼ | 42.2 | 48. | 25. | 95. | 39. |
1½. | 48.3. | 57. | 29. | 114. | 47. |
2 | 6.0.3 | 76. | 35 | 152. | 63. |
2½. | 73. | 95. | 44. | 190 | 79. |
3. | 88.9 | 114. | 51. | 22.9 | 95. |
3½. | 10.1.6 | 133. | 57. | 267. | 111. |
4. | 114.3. | 152. | 64. | 30.5. | 127. |
5. | 141.3. | 190 | 79. | 381. | 157. |
6. | 16.8..3 | 22.9 | 95. | 4.5.7 | 189. |
8. | 219..1 | 30.5. | 127. | 610. | 252. |
10. | 273. | 381. | 159. | 762. | 31.6. |
12. | 323.8 | 4.5.7 | 190 | 914. | 378. |
14. | 355..6 | 533. | 22.2 | 1067. | 44.1 |
16. | 406.4 | 610. | 254. | 1219. | 505. |
18. | 4.5.7 | 6.8.6. | 286. | 1372 | 5.6.8. |
20. | 508. | 762. | 31.8. | 152.4. | 632. |
22. | 5.5.9 | 838. | 34.3. | 16.76. | 6.94 |
24. | 610. | 914. | 381. | 1829年 | 757. |
26. | 6.6.0 | 991. | 406. | 1981. | 821. |
28. | 711. | 1067. | 4.38. | 2134. | 883. |
30. | 762. | 1143. | 470. | 2286. | 964 |
32. | 813. | 1219. | 502. | 2438. | 1010. |
34. | 864. | 1295. | 533. | 2591 | 1073. |
36. | 914. | 1372 | 5.6.5. | 2743 | 1135. |
38. | 965. | 14.48. | 600 | 28.96 | 12.00 |
40 | 1016. | 152.4. | 632. | 30.48. | 1264. |
42. | 1067. | 1600 | 6.6.0 | 3200 | 13.26. |
44. | 1118. | 16.76. | 6.95. | 3353 | 1389. |
46. | 1168. | 1753 | 727. | 3505 | 1453. |
48. | 1219. | 1829年 | 759. | 3658 | 15.16. |
Most elbows are available in short radius or long radius variants. When the two ends differ in size, the fitting is called a reducing elbow or reducer elbow.
肘部are categorized based on various design features as below:
It is the ideal wearable and corrosion resistant engineering pipeline, with wear resistance 15 times higher than common steel pipe, smooth inner surface, and favorable liquor resistance.