
The main principle is different, as the name implies resistance welding, resistance welding a weldment composition after pressure is applied through the electrodes, the use of electric current through the resistor in thermal contact with the joint surfaces and adjacent areas generated by the welding method.

High-frequency welding: High-frequency current through a metal conductor, will produce two strange effects: skin effect and proximity effect, is the use of high-frequency welding of these two effects to be welded steel pipe, which is to achieve two effects metal high frequency welding basis.

High-frequency welding是使用高频能量的皮肤效应集中在工件的电流表面;并且使用接近效果来控制高频电流的位置和范围到流线。电流速度非常快,可以在相邻的钢边缘加热,熔化和通过按压实现对接的非常短的时间。

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