Different fittings with different materials, the main碳钢管配件与不锈钢管配件之间的差异is steel materials, the stainless steel belongs to alloy steel.
Carbon steel and stainless steel because of different ingredients, produced refined softness difference, while carbon steel are many types. Stainless steel pipe fittings from a sense that will not rust, carbon steel rust if not on anti-rust oil or painting. Carbon steel pipe fittings can do the larger size of the finished product.
不锈钢tube pieces contained in the chemical composition of the surface of the pipe will remain for a long time will not rust, is not easy to be corroded. Stainless steel pipe fittings material to keep the tube does not produce the quality problems, and to ensure that the service life of the pipe fittings, pipe fittings in use can play an important role in Stainless steel of a different type, and contain different ingredients, different types of stainless steel have properties are also different.
Carbon steel
拉伸强度和重量 - 碳和不锈钢均具有相对高的拉伸强度和重量。管道应用基于对应用程序的制造过程的要求。当挤出时,材料的延展性取决于该条件的规格对于合金而言。通常,这些管配件铣削;金属加工可以期望两种材料之间的类似结果。希望材料中所需延性的制造商例如在不锈钢中加入铝,因为它是耐腐蚀性的。
反应性 - 不需要反应性的应用是不锈钢是理想的选择。也许它是家庭,商业和工业应用。然而,碳钢与食品反应也改变了它的味道并导致健康问题。另一方面,不锈钢不处理相互作用。
可加工性 - 这些材料具有良好的腐蚀性可加工性,因此这些材料很容易在各种工业应用中工作。这包括淬火以制造长持久机器部件,即使没有加工损失,如碎裂,开裂,焊接,以产生长期关节。
而且,碳和不锈钢的制造过程类似。但是,它们两者之间的抵抗性是主要区别。Sunny Steel很高兴为工业应用提供不锈钢和碳钢配件。以最合理的价格在这里购买,提供木箱标准包装,捆绑包装。
Our team is highly trained and experienced in servicing and producing all types of steel supplies.