These Flanges are used as a termination point to a piping system. Blind-Flanges have a blank surface with bolt point to fit a pipe.
A Blind flange is round plate which has all of the relevant boltholes but no center hole, and because of this feature this flange is used to close off the ends of a piping systems and pressure vessel openings. It also permits easy access to the interior of a line or vessel once it has been sealed and must be reopened.
盲板是用来关闭结束的管道ystems. It is a kind of round plate with no center hold but with all the proper bolt holes. This blind flange is available in various sizes and materials and is used to provide positive closer on the ends of pipes, valves or equipment nozzles. This flange helps in easy access to a line once it has been sealed. The blind flange is sometimes custom made or machined to accept a nominal sized pipe to which reduction is being made.
This reduction can be a threaded reduction or welded reduction.
Blind flange is put at the end of pipe or at the junction that would possibly be a future expansion into that direction.
Piping is easier to drill or weld at the construction stage. Once it was in use, drilling or welding will need prolong cleaning especially when the fluid transferred is combustible. For the mean of future extension, either the blind or valve would be used to seal the end.
Advantage of Blind Flanges
Below you will find a short description and definition of each type, completed with an detailed image.
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