根据产生的气体组成,焊接后焊缝金属中的气孔主要是小孔中的氢气和CO气孔。为低收入碳钢焊接,氢孔在焊缝表面的情况下,气孔的横截面大部分呈螺旋形,从焊缝表面看,扬声器壁光滑呈口形。由于温度高,氢在熔池和金属液滴中的溶解度高,焊接过程中焊缝金属迅速凝固,氢来不及逸出,在焊缝气体中形成。气孔CO的产生主要是由于冶金反应产生的CO气体残留在焊缝内部结晶。沿晶体方向的气孔分布呈虫状。影响气孔的因素有冶金和工艺。影响冶金的主要方面有焊接材料在焊接过程中的冶金反应、保护气氛的性质、被焊材料在焊接前的原始条件等,例如湿气的影响、腐蚀对焊缝气孔产生的影响。焊接工艺作为一种冶金工艺,由于具有不同于普通冶金的特点,反应时间短,保护气氛差,使焊缝金属与母材材料、组织微观上存在差异。氧化渣的气孔敏感性对焊缝的电阻有很大的影响,实验表明酸性和碱性电极的CO气孔倾向都随着渣抗氧化性的增加而增加。但氢洞的趋势却相反。由于氢气在金属结构中的依从性比CO高,所以常采取抑制的依从性,以达到保持炉渣适当的氧化氢气。 It is also used in the actual welding production such methods. Added with strong oxidizing acid electrode composition. Hydrogen generation of the hole can be prevented. The alkaline electrode was added fluorite, often contain a certain amount of carbonate. During the welding process, the welding arc heating effect of Fe203 decomposition emits O generated Fe30 Fe | 0 HO reaction at a high temperature to regenerate Fe20, and H, elemental Fe and HO FeO and H is generated at high temperatures, can be seen rust for the formation of two types of pores have a greater impact. Normal welding operation welding specification for the formation of weld porosity have a certain impact, but to take appropriate specifications for operation, welding current, welding voltage have little impact on the formation of pores in the low-carbon steel welding.
在低碳钢焊接中,焊缝熔合区夹杂物会导致焊缝金属韧性下降,增加热裂和层状撕裂的倾向。焊缝中的夹杂物主要是氧化物、氮化物和硫化物。氧化物包裹体较一般以硅酸盐、二氧化硅的形式存在;氧化物夹杂物主要是由于焊接过程中的冶金反应而产生的,在实际的焊接过程中,在焊接材料和选择适当的情况下由于焊接操作不当而混合的焊缝氧化物夹杂物是少量的。氮化物主要混合在低碳钢焊接中,Fe4N焊接金属在时效过程中析出,针状形态分布在晶粒内或穿过晶界,导致焊缝金属韧性下降。低碳钢焊接时,氮的来源为周围的大气,即从周围的大气中渗透到焊缝水坑中,而氮气则是夹杂物造成的,焊接过程中保护不良主要是由于氮化物夹杂物的形成。硫化物中的硫大多主要来自焊接材料,如焊条涂层、助焊剂、焊缝硫化物MnS和FeS。焊缝夹杂物是造成实际焊接生产的一般原因:焊缝的选择不正确或不合理;焊接规格不合适,如焊接电流、焊接电压不合适导致熔渣难以上去;粘焊和多焊,焊缝不干净有渣; welding, the angle of the electrode and the transport bar inappropriate molten metal and slag mixed together; the poor weld pool protection operation, the air intrusion welding protective atmosphere.
焊接材料的选择直接影响到焊缝金属的性能和成分,对焊接缺陷的防治具有非常重要的意义。工艺因素包括焊接规范、电流类型和焊接操作等方面。正确选择焊接材料的焊接电源是防止焊接缺陷的前提条件。焊接设备的更换换代非常快,由于电子技术的迅速发展,焊接电源也正在发生着深刻的变革。对于普通低碳钢管的焊接材料,用普通的焊接设备来施工。但设备运行带来的良好性能也不容忽视。要准备一个合理的前提,设备条件,有针对性的焊接工艺措施。包括焊接规范、电流类型、焊接操作、坡口及层清洁工艺要求。焊接规格包括焊接电流、焊接电压、焊接速度等参数。焊接操作应按正常规范进行。 In the case of the welding voltage. The welding current increases will lead to the increase of the depth of penetration of the molten bath; in the case of welding current, welding voltage increases will lead to the increase in the width of the bath melt; but the current increases. Result in the arc transition molten metal particles decreases. Ratio of the surface area increases, the gas absorbed by the transition of molten metal particles Multiple increased stomatal tendency; arc voltage caused by increased the welding protective atmosphere decreased, outside air easily penetrated; welding speed increases, so that the crystallization speed is increased, but also easy to make the residual gas The increased tendency to cause holes in the weld metal. Therefore, as far as possible to maintain the normal construction norms conducive to the generation of defects.